

Term of Use

First, we thank you for visiting (this website). The intellectual assets in this website, including super drought concept, index algorithm, data product and monitoring map, are free to use in research or other non-commercial purpose. However, we retain full copyright and maintain full ownership of those shared in this website. The user has an ethical obligation to cite the source appropriately in any publication and product that results from its use. The following reference should be cited: Wang Lin, Huang Gang, Chen Wen, Wang Ting. 2023. Super drought under global warming: concept, monitoring index and validation. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 104(5): E943-E969 (BAMS, 2023). If you use monitoring images or data product downloaded from this website, in addition to citing the BAMS (2023), please also include the URL in the acknowledgement section. Content in this website is not allowed to be redistributed, but links or references to this website are encouraged. We thank you once again for your interests in our work. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


This website is built based on personal research interests. It is intended for the purpose of scientific research and academic exchanges. While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and associated products, complete accuracy cannot be guaranteed. The data and associated products are released “as is” and with no warranty of accuracy and fitness of use. We are not liable for any damage resulting from misinterpretation, use or misuse of the contents in this website. Thank you for your understanding. Any comment and report of errors are welcomed.